From the 8 to 10 of November I partecipated to nextconf EMEA, the european event where nutanix presented the news about about their products but primarily the evolution of their vision passing from a single product to a full ecosystem of virtualization able to respond globally to requests and to needs of the market.
It then passes into the Nutanix vision by HCI to an Enterprise Cloud Operating System, a system able to offer over the standard virtualization, the functionality of hybrid cloud, analitycs,network virtualization and security as well as containers ad devops. With only one simple mantra: the easy of use.
The reference paradigm of Nutanix becomes a really successful company, Amazon and precisely the function of 1-Click. Bring back the semplicity of use of the famous e-commerce platform into the datacenter world seems to be the mission of this company. In plus Nutanix want give to the users the ability of choice with the support of the most used hypervisors and working with the most important companies like Oracle,Citrix,Microsoft,Puppet. The objective so is to support every type of workload, every type of deployment and any hypervisor, all managed by Prism, the heart of Nutanix world.
The greater announcement of this event is surely the version 5.0 of AOS name code Asterix, with some new features necessary to achieve the objectives described before. Particularly interesting the AFS ,Acropolis File Services and the ACS Acropolis Container Services, that implement respectively the support for the file server and for the containers. As soon will be released the community edition will be my pleasure to test and give to you my opinion.
Besides the technical part, I was really impressed by how Nutanix has in effect created a system of rapports with a lot of companies,building a positive collaboration. I’m really positively impressed from the young age of Nutanix employees at every level. This makes Nutanix more dynamic and active on more fronts, although sometimes this causes a bit of high susceptibility and a presumption ounce.
Finally I stress that I’m really happy to have participate to this event, that in my opinion marked an really important moment for Nutanix,the passing to a complete maturity of a company that impressed for the capacity of innovation.
If the expectations will be confirmed, Nutanix will become a company increasingly protagonist of the cloud and datacenter world,presenting itself as a complete and highly innovative solution.
I was invited to .Next conference from Nutanix who gave me free access to the event and paid for my travel and accommodation. This did not result in any obligation for me and this post was written only to communicate to my readers my views on the event and the company.