The continuous path of change

Almost two years ago I finished my experience in the Ministry of Justice and started a new one, far from home, in Padua, in an important company like Infocert. They were two important years, with ups and downs, but they gave me a lot from the human and professional point of view. In the summer I asked Infocert for the possibility of using a form of work that was not very common in Italy, but already present in the company, that of teleworking. A request born of my need to go home and not feel more divided between 2 different lives.

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.NEXTconf 2018 – the age of maturity for Nutanix

Risultati immagini per .NextAt the end of November, from the 27th to the 29th, I took part in the third edition of the European .NEXTconf, the event organized by Nutanix in Europe to present its products and innovations.

Who like me has participated in all editions of .NEXTconf, has certainly seen the growth and evolution of the event, directly linked to the growth and evolution of Nutanix, passed from a company specialized in hyperconvergent infrastructure to a real enterprise cloud company with an extensive ecosystem of third-party products capable of effectively supporting hybrid solutions

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VMworld 2018 – my considerations

This year I participated for the fourth time at the European edition of VMworlRisultati immagini per vmworld 2018 europed, the event organized by VMware to present its products and innovations, very useful also to understand the market trend and the evolution of new technologies.

Another great opportunity offered by this event is the networking, given the great number of companies present at the booths and the many participants from all over Europe.

This year the event was quite a novelty park, even though it outlined two fundamental guidelines for the coming months: security and the hybrid cloud. Read the rest of this entry »

How to test hyperconverged infrastructure

The hyperconverged infrastracture are  now a reality increasingly present in datacenters all over the world and so they are usually considered in case of technological upgrade or infrastructure extend or in the adoption of a new typology of workload(like VDI)

But how test this new infrastructures?

Can we utilize the principle tool for testing storage, IOmeter, for test this new type of infrastructures too?

And how eventually verify the performance in totally new environments without long and complex installations?

Few months ago,for job, I did must compare two different hyperconverged infrastructure, facing the precedent problems and after a deep research, basing my esigences I decide to use three different tools

  • SLOB
  • HCI benchmark
  • XRAY

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vExpert Cloud 2017

Saturday 28 october was announcements the vExperts for the cloud area and I am between these 🙂

The vExpert cloud program it’s a subprogram of the vExpert program and follow those already activated for VSAN and NSX and recognise not the specific knowledge,but the contribution that the person give to the community through its personal commitment in the specific matter.

I’m proud and honored to be a part of this list which include some of the more important expert in this matter,often my personal reference point

This will be a further stimulus for my commitment for the community!

Congrats to all awarded that you will find here,in the official announcement

VMworld 2017 – part 2 – VMUG and networking

In this second post on VMworld 2017 I want talk you about my networking activity and my activity as leader of italian VMUG.

VMworld has always been the best mode to know people and meet the best virtualization and connected technologies experts. It’s the part that I like more and the one that I consider the most important, because, also if those interesting , the sessions are all registered and you can see them with calm, you can do the labs at home and find the gadgets in every event. Read the rest of this entry »

VMworld 2017 – part 1 – Global event and general impression

This year too I had the pleasure to participate at the VMworld in his european date.

This year over to follow the general sessions and meet a lot of people,I followed the breakout sessions regarding the start of VMware cloud services on AWS platform. Read the rest of this entry »

THE VMworld 2017 EU is coming….

Like every year VMworld EU is coming… and I will be there! 🙂

Quest’anno in una data anomala,molto vicino all’edizione statunitense,so I think that we will haven’t new announcements.

The US event doesn’t came with a lots of news, the major ones, in my opinion, are the effective start of collaboration with AWS and the announcement of collaboration with Google , as well as some specific products evolutions (VSAN and WORKSPACE) Read the rest of this entry »

vExpert reconfirmed for 2017: an honor and a duty

The  8 of february were announced the vExpert for the 2017 and I was appointed 🙂

For who don’t know, “vExpert is not a technical certification or even a general measure of VMware expertise. The judges selected people who were particularly engaged with their community and who had developed a substantial personal platform of influence in those communities”

I’m proud for this award and I’m proud to be a part of the italian VMUG, entirely formed by vExpert! You can find the complete list of italian vExpert in this post of Andrea Mauro’s blog, a founder and a leader of italian VMUG.

The nomination at vExpert isn’t only an honor,but the spur at continue and do more for the community.

The commitment of everyone of us it’s fundamental for the growing of the community and for promote the sharing of knowledge and opinions.

As VMUGIT we are preparing and we need the help of everyone of you that want to engage in person. we will give you early some news about ours next initiatives.


Nutanix Technology Champion 2017

I’m proud to announce that I was nominate Nutanix Techology Champion for the 2017.

“The Nutanix Technology Champion program spans the globe and is comprised of IT professionals from every cloud, application group, and technology. They are committed to news ways of thinking that will power the next generation of enterprise computing.”

Like other community program, NTC rewards people that share their knowledges and experiences.

I follow the evolution of Nutanix since their first appearance in Italy,because I consider the great innovation of their products,so I’m really happy to be considered a champion of this innovative company.

The announcement and the complete list of Nutanix Technology Champions are at this  link

A big thanks to Angelo Luciani the nutanix community manager for his commitment in the community